
Showing posts from 2021


  First of all, I've no idea if anyone cared to read my pretty dead blog but thanks for checking in! What a crazy year not gonna lie... How naive of me to assume this year will be somewhat normal but I guess 2022 is the year that is somewhat normal i guess 😣 I'm not sure how I feel about another birthday in lockdown... But shh i kinda enjoy it because i dont have to socalise ahahaha  These past few months has been a whirlwind for me. Passing of grandma, lose a job then having another job all within weeks ... It's been pretty hard not being able to be with family for almost 2 years and not being able to see grandma one last time before she left. Can't help feeling the lockdown fatigue even for an extreme introvert like me.  I MISS TRAVELLING and having something to look forward to, I know you can totally relate here.. But this year has taught me to be a plant parent starting from April'21 which I am grateful for because I never had a consistent hobby and I am so hap...

2 0 2 1; Does it get any better?

  HAPPY NEW YEAR!!  to whoever is reading this 👌 Congratulations for surviving the awful 2020 (or if you had a good one, good for you!) So let's do the mandatory 2020 reflection... To be honest,  you gonna get real disappointed in me because I am such an uneventful person. I didn't do anything fun but that was expected with what's going on plus I ain't good at socializing anymore anyway omg