A pain that speaks the truth;
Don't worry. The quote wasn't resembling anything bad. Just a quote that I love from the recent anime that I just finished. Updates below! 20141101 Started off with a dull morning. I picked the wrong timing to buy weekly groceries from Queen Victoria Market. When I was on my way walking there, there's sudden shower and crazy wind ._______. UGHHH It's so crowded as usual. Skyped with my mum and sis in the afternoon because it's been awhile! Haven't heard from my mum since she left for Sydney hmm. I texted her on whatsapp but she ignored me lolol. Cool mum is too cool hahaha. Chatted with both of them just made me feel both happy and sad though. Happy in a sense that their smile and all the convos that we had made me feel like I was back home but the sad part was not being able to be at home physically with them. I know it's going to be a long time to see them again. Hang in there! I was pretty satisfied with my work position t...