Snow Fungus with Dehydrated Cole Soup

In the mood of having Chinese style soup, but you have no idea how? You should totally check this recipe out! Don't worry, I am a noob too but I did it! . ... Gosh. I've been missing my dad's soup so so much that I decided to make one which is easy and not-time-consuming on my own. My another self-claimed achievement: Feeling kinda proud. It was not as good as my dad's but it's my first time making this soup :3 Right after class, initially I just wanted to get some tofu from the Asian grocery store but I saw dehydrated cole on the shelf first instead, so I bought it. Then I saw snow fungus too! HOORAY! Now I can make my own soup that reminds me of my family :') . ... I shall get to the main point. Ingredients that you need: Dehydrated Cole Snow Fungus Pepper Salt Anchovy (Ikan Bilis) Stock Cubes and water. LOTS of them! or maybe 1litre is sufficient enough. p/s: The ingredients above are le...