First of all,
I've no idea if anyone cared to read my pretty dead blog but thanks for checking in!

What a crazy year not gonna lie...
How naive of me to assume this year will be somewhat normal but I guess 2022 is the year that is somewhat normal i guess 😣
I'm not sure how I feel about another birthday in lockdown...
But shh i kinda enjoy it because i dont have to socalise ahahaha 

These past few months has been a whirlwind for me.
Passing of grandma, lose a job then having another job all within weeks...
It's been pretty hard not being able to be with family for almost 2 years and not being able to see grandma one last time before she left.
Can't help feeling the lockdown fatigue even for an extreme introvert like me. 

and having something to look forward to, I know you can totally relate here..

But this year has taught me to be a plant parent starting from April'21 which I am grateful for because I never had a consistent hobby and I am so happy that I dwelled into the houseplant world, I think it does help me with my mental health knowing I actually matter and being able to provide something for the plants.
Now I have a collection of 20+ and I should note that my first ever was the classic monstera, and it has finally giving me a new leaf this spring after going dormant for awhile.

Obviously I ain't a pro (DUHH!), I've killed 3 plants so far ...
RIP syngonium wendlandii, alocasia black velvet, alocasia dragon scale 
first one was just infested by fungus gnats that i just couldn't be bothered managing it and the other 2 is just being fussy with the watering schedule UGH and i lost them due to rot pfft

I'm going off a tangent here oops..
Maybe I'll do a separate post about my mini collection of plants just for my keepsakes (if i can be bothered)

So, 28....
& I still feel somewhat lost...
Not sure who still consider me as a friend or not...
Still pondering about life alot especially after this pandemic, it changed lots of my perspective and opened my naive mind a little more...
I do know life is short (which is what this pandemic has taught us and emphasised it for me), just cant help to think so much about it..

Sorry for bringing all these weird and negativity with this post but I just don't know how I feel about birthdays anymore...
Everyone else's I am so happy to celebrate for and with them
but just not mine...

Okay enough with all these sad note that I am about to end with it.

  • I should be grateful about the people around me are healthy and safe,
  • I have had the chance to move to slightly bigger apartment earlier this year so I can actually own some plants,
  • I am grateful that even tho I am not physically there for my grandma, but thanks to technology, I was able to "attend" the funeral alongside
  • I am thankful to have a great support throughout this tough lockdown both this year and last year.

Note to self: Gratitude is extremely important to balance out the negativity.
Easier said than done but it is kinda helpful.

Hope you guys are all doing well and thankful that you are reading this random person's rant.

Till then xx
