"Life is a blink of an eye" ;
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Appreciate the little things. |
Venture out to Docklands.
Have you ever try to find the place that you wanted to go but just when you gave up, you realized that place is just right in front of you. WTF
I swear to god I was so dumb.
Walking in circles but I ended up in Story Coffee & FoodStore. After I ordered the latte, I saw the cafe that I wanted to go is just directly opposite of me FML
7 months of fun! @ Tom Phat
Didn't regret having this rice man. Smashed it way before he finished his.
Met up with Jb early morning and tried Hash!
Had the rice pudding brulee.
I finished it all surprisingly. Because it's pretty sweet for a breakfast.
Midterm test was pretty hard T_______T
Went to prahran to get the rest of my soup ingredients and caffeine fixed.
Backstreet Eating with the boy.
Three course meal with wine is awesome.
We both had shiraz.
Started off with charcuterie, I had the linguini marinara and he had the roast half chicken as main. Finished off with chocolate chestnut pudding and him getting the creme brulee.
Off we go to Dandenong Festival of Lights.
Well, that area is dodgy as fuck.
Walked for almost 20mins to Greaves Reserve. UGH
It was a pain.
Walking back to Yarraman station because it was closer aka 10mins walk but .... It didn't have a proper lane so I have to crossover in a very inelegant way. Pfft.
Though I felt bad for being grumpy after.
Ah well.
Finally back at South Yarra.
LOL bumped into Denise and Boon Hui ahahaha
Brunch @ The Petty Officer
> South Melbourne Beach
> Upmarket Pop Up Stalls
> National Gallery of Victoria
> City > Deakin University > Camberwell
Able to see how this dog swim. It was great!
Someone didn't enter the NGV before tsk, So we had a short tour.
H&M doesn't have the size of the ideal shirt T_______T SIGH
Deakin University's twilight festival was interesting. Didn't realize how huge the campus was. Pretty tho. Had fairy floss and also, mini interaction with the farm animals. But someone is afraid of birds LOL
Back to Camberwell to get ingredients for soup then back home.
It was really tiring.
The trip to Deakin via the tram took almost an hour. UGH
Baba Sus with Denise for brunch!
It was good. Though this baby next to our table wasn't quite pleasant with me i think. She cried when she saw me >:(
Work was frustrating GAHHH
Really hate those impatient assholes.
As if you're the only one that's waiting. Fuck you man. I'm doing my job here just calm the fuck down.
As for those that were really patient and polite, I felt so guilty but you guys seriously made my day.
I guess this is it.
Dear friend who knows pretty much anything that I love and remember most of the random stuff I said, things I dislike, who put so much effort in everything that you did before,
I really appreciate it, grateful for those moments, and also thankful for having the chance to know you.
Thank you for all the great memories.
Though, we had so much incidents happened in between, you have always be there even after a certain period.
Somethings were just not meant to be. For me anyway.
I will treasure all of our pasts. I still remember all the bits and pieces even after so long.
Guess this has just burnt into flames.
Well, I admit I had a shitty past. Screwed up so many friendships.
But, I had learnt so much from it. Grown up so much from it.
Made me realize how important it is and how ignorant I was.
You have no idea how much it hurts when someone asked you about that person and all you can reply was, "I have no idea; We drifted apart."
Especially you had been through so much, so much good times. Used to be each other's companion and talked about anything.
Yes, I am the one who screwed it up.
I admit I was a bitch/jerk but I just hope my present self is no longer like that.
I do wanna cherish all of the people that cherishes me.
It's too late to even regret all of that stuff. Too late to mend it anyway. I know it's never too late, but there will always be a gap even though you try to fix it. It will take time.
Ah, sometimes there's just moments/lessons like this that made your heartache.
Maybe it's a random nudge trying to give me a wake up call, not repeating those stupid mistakes again.
Not gonna lie, every time seeing those feed on Facebook, wondering or even wish I was there, being included in the picture. It's just so hard not to let it go you see.
All I can do now it look passed all of this and be strong.
That's pretty much the only option left.
It was a mistake. A mistake that hit me hard. After those times that made me fall, it's time to stand strong.
There's so much things going on now for me to treasure.
Thank you for making me a much mature person now.
Coffee meet up @ Kinfolk with my twin cousins! Just a quick catch up since everyone had a busy semester bleh
Legacy for brunch with Grace & JB.
Old Town White Coffee wasn't bad at all.
Nasi Lemak definitely taste like home T______T
Royal Melbourne Show with the boy.
Had charcuterie cone.
In my opinion, the animal nursery is the highlight of my day!
Headed to Paparich because i wanted to get my fish fillet noodle craving fixed but well, it's not as good.
Hard Pressed for brunch with JB!
Above & Beyond tonight!
Finally get to see them live but well, dono why I am not as keen. Maybe it's because I have to deal with the problem with public transport later on tsk.
Above and Beyond was way too awesome omgggg
I swear my legs were smashed.
But it was worth it.
Still dislike that kind of crowd tho. Not my scene.
Felt uncomfortable.
If i were rich, i would just privately invite my favorite DJs up for a tea and a private spin without any interruptions. That would be great bahahahah
So sweet of him deciding to pick me and Ric up!
Headed to Macca's after.
Swear these two dudes hugged Ric like as if they knew each other for long.
I thought it was Ric's German friends but then, he told us he swear he doesn't know them at all LOLOL
Ah well, drunkards.
Brunch at Kanteen!
Had black sticky rice and green tea.
Off to South Melbourne Market because I was craving for Padre Coffee.
Then to DFO to shop shop shop but i didn't get anything.
Dinner @ Chinatown then off we go for dessert.
OMG I love my grass jelly combo. Amazing.
Saw this 4 lamborghinis driving passed. 2 black, one red and one white. They were gorgeous OMG
Apparently the red one was the lady's favorite, saw two drunk chicks trying to post picture with the driver LOL
Headed to the city to get a coffee @ Black Velvet Galleria.
Did laundry and my slides for the presentation next day.
Off I go to Bimbo Deluxe to grab cheap pizzas. We got there around 6.30pm so it was a tough decision whether should we wait till seven to order or not. But our stomach couldn't handle so we both ordered dessert pizza and pie. Both of us smashed it!
After that we got ourselves another round of pizza heh.
It was great especially when the food is CHEAP.
Anyhow, off we go to get drinks and Woolies.
Someone is addicted to Taro tsk
Calm before the storm @ Lt. Nic
Presentation day OMG
Nervous as fuck. Haven't done individual presentation in so looooong
3 mins was not too long but kinda long to be in front of people.
Thank god I have someone to practice.
It really helped tho.
Thanks :)
WTF October in two days. WHAT THE HELL.
Science Project is officially DONE.
Met up with my favorite twins and off we go to Deko Boko because I have been wanting to try for a loooong time.
Prawn gyoza was awesome!
Though, matcha latte was not as strong.
Shopped for a little but disappointed that i didn't get what i want.
Looking forward to Family Feud studio live experience!
Had dinner @ Red Silks beforehand.
Get to see Grant Denyer! He's so tiny but CUTE.
The crowd are energized!
Also, stole some lollies and did survey for them ahaha
Though this question "what would you think you would spot on an English beach?"
Guess what I wrote?
SCONES ahahaha. Fucking racist right? Thanks :P
Another one another one.
"What would a lifeguard spot on the first?"
I wrote down
"BIKINI." bahahahaha. I am so so lame.
Anyhow, it was 3 hours straight and great!
Off we go for dessert! Had dessert story then to nine taiwanese house because i wanted fried squid.
October already?! Goddamn it.
Anyway, had brunch @ St Edmonds with JB.
Then decided to skip the lecture instead.
Walked up to the 7th floor because i wanted to check out rooftop bar haha
Tiringggg. But worth it. Had cider. Though our spot we didn't quite get a good view.
Late night skype session with le sis while waiting for mum to decide when should I get my flight tix.
GAHHH. I still don't have the courage of telling her. WTF
Anyhow, guess I'm going back for chinese new year after all yay!
And yeah, me and my sister's talk definitely felt so much more grown up now omg.
Can't believe it.
Venture out to Chelsea Beach. Because it's definitely a beachy kinda weather. 30 degrees. Freaking hot for spring.
Oh Melbourne.
Surprisingly busy.
I thought it'll be less packed compared to Brighton or St Kilda. Oh well.
Dog friendly beach though.
Walked along the sand.
Felt the cold of the water.
Wanted Thai food for dinner but the first place that we stepped in was slightly pricey than I thought.
So we ran out of the restaurant. Kinda embarrassing.
Never going back there of course.
Headed to Bentleigh and it's the same case. LOL
So we had chinese food instead.
Went to Finder's Keeper's market. The interior was gorgeous because it was at royal exhibition building!
Anyhow, didn't get anything.
So went to get gongcha instead. omg we're having this bubble tea addiction now tsk
Headed to Fitzrovia for brunch!
Then to Hank Marvin market! Saw aloooot of doggies too heh.
Especially this cute white one which is overly friendly. This doggy went everywhere to get some cuddles ahaha
Attention seeking!
Back to Chapel St and shop shop shop.
Then to city and shop shop shop again ahaha
But only got one dress from topshop. Well at least i have a bit of a self control LOL
Dinner with JB and Grace at Samurai but omggggg, didn't expect to have to wait for 40-50mins for them ughhh
Kinda frustrating but oh well. It happens. SUCK IT UP.
Food was really cheap and decent!
Ordered the dinner set and it fills me up omg.
Frustrating train back home because i checked the timetable it says it's another 30mins but stoooopid, i waited for extra 30mins for nothing HAIH
Bonnie Coffee Co.
His graduation today.
Breakfast @ King of the Castle.
Never thought I would put myself in this kinda situation :/
I actually felt kinda ... scared.
It's all settled tho after we got home. And his mum sent me a text nawww
I am really lucky.
Had a little talk about it because I was being all stressed out and also, watching too much dramas before that has plot about family trying to sabotage a relationship, so yeah, was so worried.
Plus, I've heard situations whereby mothers weren't happy or actually jealous of the son's new girlfriend for stealing him away. I don't wanna be that kind of girlfriend though.
I just wanna balance it out so everyone can have a fair share.
So I ranted this to him, asking him if I were to stupidly ask for a break because I was overly stressed over stuff like this, I just have to assure him to not let me go or give up on me just because of this.
Yes, I am dumb. I am a girl at heart after all no matter how independent i am. I will still be a little clingy when it comes to him.
The best part is him not being all shocked why was I talking shit like that and he made sure that I let him know if I felt that way because he doesn't want me to. I am a very lucky girl.
Headed to The More, The Better for gluten free fried chicken of course!
And also, bibimbap.
Then dessert @ Nine Taiwanese House AGAIN.
Omg it's terrible. We at least visit either gongcha or there once a week -_-
"Making all the past mistakes just made me look out for you."
"If there's one thing I can do, is never stop loving you."
TGIF again!
Rice Paper Scissors with the boy @ Fitzroy. Been wanting to try for soooo long but the city one is almost impossible to get a spot so yeah, i am so glad they opened a new branch!
Convinced him to get the sharing plate which is 55 for 5 plates to share. A pretty good deal I gotta say.
I also ordered the vietnamese ice coffee. Amazing!
My favorite is definitely the Crispy Barramundi fillet!
I swear all the wait staffs are very hyper, friendly and fun!
Off we go back to the city. Window shopped for a little then to YoChi because I wanted desserts.
Brunch @ Lolo & Wren. It was quite a hassle to get there because have to change alot of tram or trains bleh
Loving my french toast tho!
Then off we go to South Melbourne. Because he wanted to get knives for his dad for a present so I recommended Chef's hat.
After that I did a little grocery shopping and then when I was at one of the stalls paying for the chicken stock, this old man just randomly asked us if we are married and I answered no and him saying not giving me ideas, he said "why not?" LOLOL
Because I am young?
Bleh. Nice and awkward. ah well. even this random dude outside the stall said he's putting pressure on people buying his groceries ahahahahhaha
Ah well.
Got back to the city and shopped for a little more.
Made soup when I got back.
Karma of not doing assignment so much earlier.
Ah well. Was struggling to wake up in the morning ughhh
You know sometimes you just have everything in mind while doing your assignments and lolol, in the mean time i was doing research on the graduate visa.
Then it hit me.
Now it's all fine, friends are all here studying, cousins are still here sticking around.
But what about after few years after? They will all be graduating and decide it's time to go back for good.
Cousins will not be here anymore because pretty sure Melbourne is not what they wanna be to settled down as far as I know.
So all that's left will just be me if I managed to stay.
You're basically giving up your family and friends.
I was upset for a moment.
Then I remembered, he said, "look at me, do you love me? if so, you've one less thing to worry about because I am not going anywhere." :')
He always managed to comfort me in the most sincere and cheesy way. Yeah puke it all out if you want, but as cliche as it sounds, cheesiness is all you need sometimes to reassure yourself.
Note to self:
Also, another lesson learnt, there's always someone trying to replace you.
You'll no longer be someone's priority.
That's how shitty it is.
It's either your own karma and I guess I'll just look passed it since I am the one who sorta started it.
Can no longer depend on anyone because you know, it fucking hurts when you look back and see that's no longer what's it like before.
Always learn how to prioritize and also, balance out the priorities.
You can never get best of both worlds. EVER.
Fitzroy north because I wanted to try dench bakers. The fishcake is holy shit amazing!
The Martian @ Lido Cinemas
Walked in without knowing the plot but surprisingly didn't fall asleep even though that movie took almost 2 and a half hour omggg
Well done Ridley Scott!
Porgie + Mr Jones with JB after.
Before meeting up, ventured to Gardenvale to check out Omar & the Marvellous!
Pavlov's Duck > Naked for Satan
The Kettle Black > Congee @ Mr Kitchen
Then cupcake @ Little Cupcakes
Thaiger after with JB.
Ah time flies GAHHH
I don't wanna turn 22! And i think this is the first time I was really indecisive how am I going to celebrate.
So much things has changed.
Last year at this very day, at least i get to celebrate with my mum and cousins.
But this year, is an interesting turn of events.
Unfortunately my place has the toilet maintenance so it is seriously troubling me. Getting lack of sleep and inconvenience, also, lack of freedom omggg
I just want a good sleep that is all.
I don't know why but I think alot lately.
Not sure is because of the distance that i have been experiencing lately.
Distance in terms of friendship.
I have no idea how should I feel.
Is it one way or the other? I don't know what to feel.
It feels funny but somehow depressing. Depressing but also, not sure if I am just doubting myself or what. Just doesn't feel right at all.
Scumbag brain. Why you do this to me?
I was supposed to feel delighted but no, I am not.
What's wrong? What are the solutions? What can I do to get rid of this sucky feeling?
First day working as a host on my own.
Well, i was really stressed from the start. Then with all the help and encouragement i kept my pace yay.
But lolol, just when it's 8 o'clock when all the bookings were made and there were alooot of tables, the whole restaurant went through a blackout TROLL
Funny tho but surprisingly some customers are just happy to join in the fun anyway.
Some thought it was romantic bahahahah
Spent my day at his area.
Lunch @ Evolve
Fed a bird! Though it last for 2 seconds LOL
Didn't expect to get presents from his family too awwww
Though I got watch from him, not a surprise but surprised that he understand the type of watch that i love :)
Piggery Cafe
Rough but we made it.
I witnessed how much I mean to him.
"surprise" birthday brunch with grace, jane and JB @ friends of mine.
rough day for him bummer. poor thing.
anyway headed to brighton beach to chillax a little.
off to his to celebrate his birthday @ Knox.
so glad that i could be part of this. it's funny when his family asked me about culture differences and stuff ahahahahha asian biscuits LOL
Operator 25 // Matcha Combo
Conservatory @ Crown buffet with Denise!
Ate 15 oysters in total within an hour hahahaha. It was good. I think seafood is the best way to eat all your money back.
It's funny when we were laughing about having pao and anchovies for during this buffet lunch ahahahha
It's pretty rare and not-so-classy.
And of course not, i did not just eat that but freaking spam the salads, szechuan chicken, oysters, mussels, oysters again then mussels, smoked salmon, rockling fish etc etc.
I was bloated but nooo, nothing can stop me from eating desserts!
Love the chocolate fondue with 3 different types of chocolate!
But unfortunately, we didn't have time to eat ice cream :(
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Pardon my messy dessert plate LOL |
Accompanied Denise to shop shop shop, (i was the bad influence) ahahha @ Spencer Outlet.
Then met up with him. Off I go to ikea.
Made mango chicken curry today! It was not bad. At least it didn't fail. Then headed out to the city to get some asian groceries.
Did nothing again. Was aiming to finish up the assignment but obviously failed.
Also, ughh, if only ignoring irrelevant thoughts are as easy sighhh
Spending most of the time worrying how to tell my mum and yeah, Seriously ruined my mood.
I was the host for tonight. On my own again. Guess this would be my permanent position for Thursdays I reckon tsk
So I did ended up telling my mum. My mum is a cheeky one! She didn't mention any of the topic at all till I can't take it anymore and I finally let it out.
Guess what's her reaction?
She was so calm i swear! I thought she is going to be furious or unhappy but no, she just asked all the questions about his background and that's about it.
OMG MUM. You drove me crazy for the past few months you know that?!
Anyway I finally let it out.
Now I can start worrying about other stuffs now bleh
Take away coffee @ Padre QVM
Finally found you!
Met up with the boy at Melbourne Central then to Ratee Thai for late lunch.
Shopped around then head back.
Tsukijiiiiii to fix my sashimi cravings but we were late for the movie!
Checked out The Intern @ Jam Factory.
So much feels. Haven't cried in the cinemas in awhile LOL
Second round of dinner @ Juice Dumplings.
The Lovebird > QVM > Helmet Hunting > Sashimi > Skating Fun
Met up with Jb before for foooood @ Mister Zen
It was alright.
First and the last paper of the semester.
My very last paper of my uni life or student life, you name it.
Can't believe this day has arrived. Time goes by so quickly. Everything is coming to an end. I am for sure not ready for a new phase of life sighhhhh
"Life is a blink of an eye."
Brunch @ Axil
Ferrero Rocher waffle!
The walk @ Lido.
So i decided to spend my day at his area.
Took the early morning train and guess what, an hour journey got lengthen because of the stupid signaling problem between upper ferntree gully and ringwood BLEH
Sucks. So took me 2 hours to get there instead BORINGGGG
But this Hungarian old man is really cute.
I got there and finally checked out Miss Marple's!
It was reaally gooood. Had the finger sandwiches and a sundae all to myself but i cant finish the sundae because i suck :(
Back to his place then watched crimson peak with his family.
The movie was just alright. Fucked up tho ahaha
Then at night went out to check out the stars. It was gorgeous. Brought some crackers and a tuna spread HAHAHAHA
He asked me about posting pictures or display relationship on social media.
I felt sorry and he's seriously too nice to tolerate me all the time.
He said he'll never make me do something that make me feel uncomfortable.
Argh. I am not the kind of person that post pictures of him. Not that i am not proud of being with him. it's just .... not my thing to do, you know?
In the morning, his mum is kind enough to show me around her garden and orchard. Nawwww
Pretty nervous without him around while talking to his mum but well, gotta respect the elderly.
Tried my best to keep the conversation going hmmmmm
His mum even gave me an orange from the tree and was really excited about telling me the fruit trees that she planted. Made him to show me the roses that she planted at the front yard then me and him took Max for a walk.
Such a beautiful dayyyy
I've no idea what got me. I felt so crappy. Burst into tears while watching hell's kitchen which is unlikely.
was it jealousy? I've no idea.
Is it okay to even felt that way at this stage?
"有的人疯狂的追求你三年 有的人默默的对你好了两年 还有的人喜欢你但从未说出口 但你无论多么感动 多么开心 就是没有在一起可是莫名有一个人 只相识一个月 见了两次面 讲了一句话 你就决定在一起了 有人说这是缘分 可是我觉得其实一个人第一次出现在你的面前 就已经注定结果了"
To be continued xx
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