Autumn Feels // HIMYM Season 2
"The mellow, messy, leaf-kicking, perfect pause between the opposing miseries of summer and winter."
Them Autumn Feels.
So this marks the end of the mid sem break.
Back to assignments and lab reports UGH.
Been spending most of my sem break catching up with How I Met Your Mother.
I admit I am kinda outdated. Heard people talking so much about it and the ending, that most of the people weren't happy about it which makes me more tempted to check this series out.
And I finished 2 seasons!
So far, my favorite is Ted Mosby.
Not sure whether I'm sympathizing or maybe seeing him, can really relates to the reality of love? Ugh. I just really like seeing him with Robin but damn, the last episode of season 2 just bums me out! </3
Guess, that's how REAL love works. You gotta let things go if it's not gonna end well.
One of the few quotes which are worth remembering from season 2:
“Because sometimes, even if you know how something’s gonna end, that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the ride.” - Future Ted
"Because in the end, the only thing that can heal a broken heart is time."
And now the heartwarming scene! Lily and Marshall. Ten years and never get bored of each other plus couldn't spend a night without each other. It's just pretty impossible to find couples like them nowadays.
So sweeeet ♥
Credits to tumblr.
Just wanna find some place to fill in these random quotes and thoughts.
Signing off!
HAHA Barney.
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