Reality matters;

"Sometimes we think we know what we want, but we don't actually know what we need until we find it."; Didn't post anything for a month omg. Wonder if anyone do check/notice my blog ahaha 20150501 Ugh loooong Friday! Caught up with Denise first at Creperie le Triskel. It's been 2 months since I last met up with her brrr. Caught up with the twins and her sister before she fly back to Msia! Got Korean take out and talked crap as usual. Can't believe two weeks has just gone by like that. 20150502 Had brunch @ Friends of Mine then card hunting @ the city! Really hate it when I have to work at night. I was late 10 mins though. Worked with the lady boss as the host. Luckily it wasn't as stressful as compared to the manager. At least she made me felt that I am needed! & that night was extremely busyyyy. No idea why. But thankfully, I have no met any mean customers yet. Love it when those customers just thank me sincerely when they...