
Showing posts with the label Glutton

Proud Mary

25th of July :  Finally my best pal in Melbourne is back from Malaysia after ditching me for almost a month lolol. It is also the first week of the new semester. So I decided to give Proud Mary an impromptu visit after the Friday morning lecture ._. I really like the drink menu because it was really unusual. Ordered my usual coffee, mocha and Potato Hash. To be frank, I didn't expect the potato hash to be a filling one but Proud Mary's Potato Hash certainly did! Love how they made the potato hash not to be the ordinary ones but sort of in a form of net-linkage kinda structure. hope I described it right Not forgetting the Bagna Cauda sauce (which I googled, is the butter anchovy sauce with a really nice classy name LOL), does blend in with the taste well! Thumbs up for the mocha too and the two little cute marshmallows. Their mocha are definitely my type of coffee because it's really chocolaty. Till then xx.

Trunk Diner, CBD

Short post talking about Trunk! Love the little umbrellas woo. Impromptu lunch w cousin. Here's her Flat White. Ordered the legendary 145g Wagyu Beef Burger for 10AUD. It's medium rare and I added on Bacon with 3AUD. And yeap, I'm really satisfied. Look at how thick and JUICY the patty is ohmagerd. Imagine my eyes popping out right after I had my first bite. That's how good the patty is! I love the fact that they separated the veggies aside for you. Plus they serve it on a board. How amazing. This is by far the BEST burger that I had ever tasted in Melbourne. (in my opinion) Till then xx.

Foodlogue during Winter Break #3 | Magnum Melbourne // Chez Dre

This scenery was like 2 weeks ago. Love the color contrast! Apologies for the less update. Can't believe winter break is over >:( I admit that I had the best semester break ever. And will update more about Adelaide soon when I have the time :DDD Damn it now Melbourne is super cold + FOGGY. Feels like I'm in the highlands or something. Woke up in the morning and it's only 3 degrees outside ._______. Bla bla bla. 2nd of July. Met up with some friends for farewell brunch sobs. And one of my friend brought us to experience the Magnum Melbourne @ Emporium. Where you get to customized your own Magnum yo. The menu. My very own version! With coconut flakes, rose petals and strawberry toppings. Drizzled with white chocolate and with dark chocolate coating but milk chocolate base LOL PATTERN. It's 8AUD by the way if you're interested :3 5th July: Chill out at Brunetti, S