We are all in this... TOGETHER //
2020 has been fucking insane
Hope you guys are all doing okay despite all the crazy shit that is happening.
Please stay safe, hygienic and keep calm
warning: this will not be my usual sort of everyday life rant
Just wanna rant here since it is my personal venting space.
Trying to ignore it seems to be unavoidable at this point because...
As much as people try to compare it to the flu, unfortunately it will not be the case even if everyone is trying to be cautious,
it only takes one lousy fucking irresponsible individual to fuck shit up...
This pandemic has taught me so much...
Social Issues wise,
How out-of-touch people can be,
etc etc
It's crazy how you can view things at a different point at this stage.
I am in no position to be judgy at any countries politically.
But it is just interesting to see how countries handling the situation..
Let's just not even talk about political issues.
Just freaking look at how people's true colours have been when this all blew up.
Even people that I know or around me, handling this situation in no way that how I would expected, or even worse.
Not everyone tho but you know, people can always manage to surprise you.
It's shocking.
It's disgusting.
It's unimaginable.
Again... Not everyone that you knew are like that.
There's always the bright side and someone that truly standing by your side.
It is a perfect situation to analyse the ones that go through this hardship with you.
Cherish them if you can.
Even with a distance.
I hope people are actually smart enough to know about the seriousness of social distancing...
Somehow, some idiots can prove us wrong but
why is it so hard to get?!
why why and why
I can't even imagine the situation in Italy right now.
The elderly not having a chance to even reunite with their loved ones one last time.
It's absolutely fucking terrifying and saddening.
No words.
For instance, the supermarket situation is absolutely horrific.
You will never know how selfish and disgusting people are.
Yet, this is just the beginning.
Please please stay kind.
Even though humanity SUCKS,
there will always be the light and bright side.
Enough with all the negativity surrounding this.
I will somehow be sharing what I (or we if you are interested :P) will do in the mean time for some sort of productivity/normality:
1. Doing some sort of organization/declutter
*time to let your inner Konmari shine
2. Revisit some of the old
birthday cards/postcards/Christmas cards for some positivity
3. Shop My Stash (skincare and makeup wise)
*It's crazy how you can forget some products that are amazing/sucky at first but rediscovering it as amazing/finally throw something out of your collection when you absolutely hate it LOL
4. Putting my Gundam together!!
5. Stay in touch with my family more frequently
6. Being creative in terms of cooking
7. Learning how to budget more/Be more frugal in terms of spending
8. Challenge myself to snack less frequently
*not that I snack on snacks but I snack on fruits like crazy so I would like to cut that down (if I can LOL)
9. Do more stretches or mini exercise
*gotta keep yourself healthy
10. Investing in some old animes/shows that can uplift my mood
That's all folks!
If you are reading this, I wish you all the best, keep calm!
wash your hands for more than 20seconds and stay hygienic!
Hope this blog post kinda made you feel like you are not alone in some ways,
because my situation is just as miserable but I am really grateful to still have a roof over my head and having food/water supplies.
I might update here more since you know....
But don't get your hopes up too high ahahhaha
Till then folks xx
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