2019, Here We Go.

Hey if you are reading this, have a happy 2019 ahead guys!

Ready for my rants?! 

To me, 2018 was bland af.

Did not do anything special.
Did not travel to elsewhere special.
Did not explore much food places.
Did not tick off any of my bucket list.
Did not get a new job.

the last 2 months was pretty great as in I am proud of myself trying to catch up with a few people. 
Aaaaand my parents were here!
So that makes the last bit kinda sweet.

2018 made me realized:

- I can be pretty damn boring
- I forgot how to socialize
- I have been getting less "likes" 
- I have been losing friends
- I have choose to not give a damn
- I still care even tho I said I don't 
- I am still so immature
- I am still stuck 
- I am still lost (in terms of my passion/interest)

On a happier note,

- I am grateful for the people that still wants to hang with me
- I am thankful for him standing by me despite me being pretty useless and clueless 
- I am happy that my parents get along with his fam and him 

For 2019,

No more goddamn useless resolutions. 
I am praying the trip back home would be good for me for realizing what's real and who is really there for me. 
It would also be good to be with the family again after almost 2 years. 

I am hoping for a trip overseas with him too because we have been talking about it for ages! 

Just wanna have an eventful year at least before freaking 2020 because omg 27 years old by then sounds so freaking old to do anything fun. 
Everyone would be like married or having a stable job or getting a house/property and I am just like a freaking nobody LOL
No offence tho if you are in your late 20s but you would have done something exciting unlike me hahaha *nervous laughter*

As for you readers,
Happy New Year to you!!
I wish you a great year ahead! 
Thanks for checking on me still. 

Till then xx 
