"Mid-year of 2016.";
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"Happiness comes from within." |
wednesday coffee at my favorite: PADRE!
Played with the next table kids (virtually) LOL
So in love with white kids! TOO CUTE
No, I'm not getting ideas.
Next to Tina's Noodle Kitchen again LOLOL
Accompanied him to get his lunch because he felt like burger (duh!) , and just so happened to witness the marvel theme graffiti art in the making! Loved the ironman vs captain america one.
Campari House for cider!
Had coffee
Grocery shopping of course.
Morning brekkie @ Uncommon. Those pikelets yummm
Though there's 2 Asians were having a hardcore photoshoot of their food .______.
And it still goes on for about 10mins. Just when I thought I was embarrassing enough LOL
Not looking forward to color run at all.
So yeah, when it's time to meet up with the others, nope, still not excited but it got worse.
I just went all pissy.
Didn't talk much to the others and also, him.
Just really not in the mood. (time of the month and got all sick)
waste of money and time really!
Felt so bad for ruining his first experience of this event.
On a side note, I did changed. As in I'm too used to being alone & not hanging out in a group.
I wonder when will the next time that I'll actually hang out with them? I guess it won't be anytime soon.
Just not like the way it was before anymore.
It's not because of me having a boyfriend that makes me the kind of person that only hangs out with just him. I'm happy to hang out with others still but just not them? I'm not as keen anymore.
Tired. Really tired.
Yes, all I do is rant and rant. Yes, I'm not fixing my own problems. Yes, I'm such a drama queen.
You can think whatever you want, I can't be bothered. I just don't have the time to try so hard for nothing if you know what I mean. If it's meant to be, I should be happy doing it.
I don't see a problem hanging out with people that I enjoy hanging out with.
Ah fuck it. I told myself that I shouldn't give a shit for now.
Maybe it's just hormones LOL
Morning coffee @ Sth Central!
Monday bluessss
Tuesday! It was kinda fun because the customers weren't annoying and there's this particular table being real friendly and hyped out haha
Apparently they gave a good tip but I wasn't there to say goodbye boohoo
wednesday out with the boy!
coffee like usual and then laundry.
Morning coffee @ Picnic like usual.
Pretty annoying thursday!
TGIF i guess?
Morning meet up with the cousin at white mojo!
Food was alright but the white interior is pretty i gotta say.
Second round @ heyday because i was craving something savory so we both had toast!
Hung out with the boy for grocery shopping then headed home.
Saturday without brunch is sooooo weird!
Had KFC lunch box because hot&spicy is back wooooo
coffee @ little frankie's!
Dessert around 5.30pm because we can at nine dessert house!
Met up with ric and catch up at ichi ichi kuu.
It has been awhile.
Him being all touristy at shrine of remembrance LOL
Monday Blues as usual!
Tuesday night reunited with the boy after work heh
Productive wednesday I swear!
Boat noodle @ soi 38 mmmm
Coffee @ Something More!
Fries and Shakes @ Boy & Co.
Dinner at home and my first time ever making bak kut teh!
Ugh usual thursday.
Ended up picking bardot warehouse sale.
well i didn't expect to be like the drama-type of crazy to be in line for this sale LOL
Like literally what you see in the movies where all the women dragging the kids along and big ass pram just so they can SHOP ahahah
aaaaand I'm one of them shame on me.
when I first arrived, i sorta regret and it was frustrating to wait for half an hour just to shop?
But well i guess it was worth it because I got my haul!
It's soooo worth it because they were samples but thank goodness it can be fixed hence the awesome good deal!
It was drizzling bla bla
he's really nice and patient while shopping with me and helping me to find out what are the faults in the clothing LOL CUTEEEE
Coffee break @ LBSS
Got my pho too!
Met up with some of the new colleagues hmm
It was really awkward gahhh but i really hope it'll get better.
It's a struggle. Keep getting mixed feelings hmm
work wasn't thaaaaat bad.
Brunch @ woven!
Loving yarraville already!
went to footscray market and it was dodgy as hell ughhh
but but omg they got all the asian greens and fruits that i wanted!!!!
chilled and headed out again to shop for gifts for his mum and friend!
Dinner in again. SO CHEAP.
& oh my visa got granted!
feeling sad because it's the actual reality reality. exactly 2 years to get an actual job? AHHH no more fooling around!
First brunch out with the colleagues @ KUU.
Obviously the hang out with colleagues involved gossiping about work LOL
More like ranting.
Coffee take out @ Little Mule!
work in the morning. well more like standing there doing nothing and doing nothing is not as fun as you thought. I would much rather being told to do something so that time flies faster. worst 4 hours of my life man.
anyhow tonight is my first concert of 2016 and is Rudimental's!!!!
Finally omg.
Jess Glynne's performance is amazing as she's the special guest.
Real love > Rather Be > Don't be so hard on yourself > Hold my hand
well there's some unknown songs in between too but she's definitely good live!
Then around 9,30pm is finally Rudimental's turn.
Though I really wished they would play waiting all night as their first song LOL
Right Here was the first.
It was explosive wooo
Can't really remember the second but omg not giving in was one of my favorites of the night. I got like super high!
Bla bla bla.
Free was goooood.
Lay it all on me.
Rumour Mill.
Never Let You Go.
Feel the love is also one of my favorite of the night!
And of course, the encore ... waiting all night!!!!!
I screamed like crazy.
Hump day with the boy.
Coffee @ Padre again.
Shopped around DFO but ended up getting a platform shoeeee
Tina's noodle because I was craving for it and someone decided to have one bowl too but he had the spicy one.
So omg he was struggling.
Choked on chili and teared LOLOL
See him suffering on noodles is not fun LOLOL (I'm mean)
Thursday morning at the new workplace. It wasn't as bad because there's something for me to kill time LOL
anyhow, why would anyone turn down a free cookie? WHY?!
RUFUS with ric and his friend, Jess!
Though we parted ways when we got in.
Festival Hall looked like a club tbh
UGH there's some crazy kids at the front row acting like a douche bleugh
and this couple PDA from start to almost the end during RUFUS' performance.
They were so gooood omg!
Felt so energized!
I'm exhaustedddd
Friday coffee @ newtown specialty coffee!
grocery shopping> work at night yucks
I swear manager is addicted in putting me for take away.
well it's annoying.
I dislike it because i didn't get to interact much with anyone at all.
I miss being a host T______T
It's my second weekend without brunch >:(
Pretty sad.
Morning coffee @ Code Black North Melbourne.
Grocery shopping again at QVM this time.
getting ready to work and did laundry.
was really happy when i thought i am working as host but after they swapped and fucking manager convinced the supervisor to put me in take away section fuckkkk
well she didn't at first but after like an hour and a half later, apparently i got swapped in again like seriously?!
I was kinda pissed but sigh
I hate my job now.
It's nothing exciting left for me.
Helping a friend to get her body mist cuz apparently it's cheaper.
So i venture out to get take away latte.
Did try something new but what the hell, it cost me like 5.30dollars LOL
Serves me right.
Had the micro lot latte LOLOL
Fancy ass right?
I swear if i'm working in the take away section again tonight that means I'm officially stuck in there forever. FUCK
I'm so quitting ASAP
started off our wednesday really early cuz i thought there's house inspection between 9am to 11ambut LOL, they rescheduled to the next day aka no sleep for tomorrow morning too tsk
anyway, headed off to get our morning coffee @ Aucuba
Shop the city!
I did quite some stuff #notguilty
Had KFC as supper. OMG what's with me and KFC ughh
Damn hot & spicy chicken is addictive indeed!
2 hours before work so decided to get a cup of coffee elsewhere further this time before my work shift starts.
Top Paddock it is!
New workplace got better this time! It's kinda frustrating because it's still really new.
Anyhow it wasn't bad.
work at night was pretty good cuz i get to work with the people that i'm comfortable with and the section that I love!
There's customers that were happy about my energy LOL
20160522 - 20160528
Refer to Gold Coast post!
Sigh. Just one of those days when I get really homesick.
Thinking about those days without having to worry about all the financial problems and adult life like everyone was talking about, yet it's true once you experienced it.
It sucks, really.
People suck.
But all you can do it's suck it up and deal with it.
That's pretty much the only way.
Definitely having the Monday blues as well as post vacation blues.
Hence, the emotional night.
why do we have to put up with shit that we don't even deserve?
It's just beyond stupid.
People will never appreciate what you do, and they only remember what you owed them, or the tiniest mistake EVER. It's unfair.
Alright, enough rants for the day.
Just missing those carefree days, and I would totally relive it if there's a chance.
OMG I've a Japanese colleague and the way she speaks is soooo CUTE.
wednesday out. Coffee @ Padre of course!
Hung out with the boy for coffee.
Saturday brunch @ Smak.
It's so gloooomy out there.
Not a fan of winter!
Assam Laksa for lunch with colleague then guess what, assam laksa for supper too LOLOL
I ain't complaining.
I fucking got zong-zi for supper!!!!!!
It's something that i've gotta brag.
Though grandma's one is incomparable.
wednesday out with the boy.
Hump day coffee @ midsquare.
Tina's noodle. AGAIN.
Current addiction with him.
Ended up buying more than 30 dollars worth of grocery wtf.
I GOTTA STOP wasting money on unnecessary stuff.
Dessert @ The Dessert Kitchen.
Till then xx
I swear my blog is so dead.
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