2015 Recap;

It's the time of the year again. Let's rewind shall we? Definitely another life changing year. The start of the year was pretty torturous knowing that I wouldn't be able to join the family reunion dinner during Chinese New Year. Spending my summer with few of the friends whom are still around. Surprisingly, there's no chinese new year vibe at all here. If I didn't have social media to remind me, I wouldn't know that was the day. Anyhow, this starting of the new semester of my second year here is STRESSFUL. All the heavy and crazy subjects are all stuck together in these few months. Quality Assurance is the CRAZIEST. Food Manufacture is just ANNOYING. And also Dairy which is pretty insane because of the very strict lecturer named Frank, aka old school and his insane lab hours which goes up to 5 hours KILL ME. But we survived. I am pretty lucky to get awesome teammates during that semester. Everyone is being cooperative ...