2014 Recap;
It's the time of the year again.
When you realized how time flies; when you realized how much you hated this year but you know you're going to miss it; time to make new year resolutions when you didn't tick off any of the resolutions from the previous years*typical* bla bla bla.
Fuck whyyyy
2014 has officially coming to an end!
And yeap, I am making it through 2015 being single. (even though that's not the point)
So much difference from the year before. So much things had happened. So much things had changed.
But yeah, it wasn't really pleasant during last year's new year either. So yeah. Better lonely than sad right?
Decided to do this recap thing because 2014 is definitely one hell of a ride that I've ever experienced before.
A year ago, I was utterly depressed by the fact that how much this studying abroad thingy is going to change things.
How I'll not meet my friends that I'm fond of ever again; How I'll never get to see my close ones like I always do whenever I want to.
Damn. Look at me now, managed to survive 10 months, even though there's some homesickness in between. I am still standing strong, mentally. (I guess!)
It's definitely a good start for me, and distance certainly made me realized those that're dear to me.
No matter the distance, those friendships that are meant to be will make it through.
I am so grateful for those that are still keeping in touch with me.
Nope, we don't chat everyday, but I know when we were to see each other again, there'll be endless topics that we can share.
Beginning of the year, been busy catching up with friends and working part time.
Don't even feel like packing because the thought of leaving was just depressing.
& I've to pack two-years-worth of stuff over to Melbourne.
What a pain in the ass.
Never love packing and unpacking sucks too.
I still remember the very last weekend hanging out with my relatives.
Said goodbye to everyone, all the best wishes and regards, even ang paus from my aunt.
All the blessings that made my heart ache.
My grandma was surprisingly comforting when I said goodbye to her. Because before that, she kept teasing me not being able to handle myself and stuff but on that day, she asked me to hang in there and take good care of myself.
But it breaks my heart when she mentioned that she's not sure whether I'll be able to see her again after two years but all I did was sobbing and telling her that, "nah, I'll come back grandma!"
(but i didn't manage to this year :/ )
On the 18th of February, which is the day that I depart, my close relatives were there to send me off and also, seniors. Kinda grateful though. And those phone calls that wished me safe flight.
I was pretty unlucky because my mum weren't there to send me off. Instead, I sent her off to Bangkok in the morning .________.
I hugged her one last time, and I cried because you know, I am always her cry baby.
I just couldn't resist my tears when I know I can express myself in front of her.
That happened quite a few times. Exclusively in front of my mum.
When I was in primary school, I fell down and hurt my knee, it bleed real bad but I didn't cry at all.
After the transport driver drop me off at my house, my tears straight rolled down the moment I saw my mum tsk.
Also, when I was on my 3rd driving lesson, I was pretty pressured and stressed out by the instructor because I couldn't handle the manual driving while I was on the road.
I didn't cry out loud at all. But then, after my instructor dropped me off, I just hugged my mum and sobbed loudly when I saw her LOL
So here goes my journey away from home aka 6333km away.
My first ever journey THAT far and THAT long.
Finally arrived at Melbourne with JB and his parents. Was pretty lucky to have them around because if I were to arrive at this foreign land on my own; I'll have no clue where to start and how to.
But with them, at least there's some guidance and company to keep my loneliness and depressing thoughts away temporarily or even someone that I can panic along with.
I still remember how jakun I was.
The very first day, sat in JB's aunty's car and was surprised that how there's no high rise building at all along the way.
First time ever checking out a 7-11 petrol station.
Surprised to see how there are trees that're so different from Malaysia and the sky looked so clear.
Surprised to see how the clouds are so BIG and FLUFFY. It seemed like the sky is super close to us.
My very first time tasted good champagne hams and cherries! SO JUICY.
And first time checking out the department store which is coles and saw a hot hunk topless while buying groceries LOL
And oh, the self-check out thingy is still amazing!
Noticed that their market is soooo clean that I can't even HAHA
Met up with my cousins right after, and they showed me where RMIT is and I called that green thing the gooey thingy haha
So it has became an iconic place to meet up when I was still unfamiliar with the city.
They brought me to Guzman Y Gomez for dinner (got a treat from them!) as I was still in my currency-conversion period.
The price is so scaryyyy!
While JB was away and when I was still new to everything here, I slept over at my cousin's place bla bla bla.
Explored the city all alone.
It's funny how I think back everything that I first experienced or see, feels so different from how I see it now.
It's still breathtaking anyway :)
Few pictures that I took when I first came to the city :3
Now I wouldn't even bother capturing it. Typical. Taking things for granted because you get to see it all the time.
First time finding my own accommodation and realized what a pain in the ass too because I'm still not familiar with any of the stuff here but I am glad that the location was alright.
Funny how everything wasn't according to the plan. At all.
Enrolled to RMIT and bam, new semester started.
Wasn't used to how there's not many lab reports for just a sem as compared to Taylor's.
And how our lecture is always in a huge theater!
First time checking out rally in front of the State Library.
Got so jakun.
Was so surprised that it was actually pretty peaceful even though they're polices everywhere.
Including those that ride on horses.
And surprised to see female ang moh polices which made them looked x100000 more prettier and hotter!
Decided to start blogging all of a sudden and regret for not starting it earlier even though my writing is shit.
Still glad that I did it now.
Something shitty happened in the middle of the year, actually it was pretty much expected to end but not the way I expect it to end. Goddamn it drama.
But whatever, I don't give a shit really.
Love my life here woooohoo.
Went to Adelaide and Sydney during my semester break. Feel so achieved and in the mean time, so broke right now.
Got myself a job but one semester later. Felt sorry to burden my mum but at least, I kept my promise so that my mum allowed me to study abroad.
Met a few friends but mostly, from my own country .______________.
Damn, after ten months, have not met any actual ang mohs that I can hang out with tsk. Not racist but well, at least have to make friends with one aussie right?
But I am grateful that I've them beside me and wow, I had been hanging around with them for almost 9 months. Crazy how time flies :O
Went to quite aloooot of places that I got teased by my cousins and friends for having too much fun tsk :3
Alooot of weird stuffs happening around and it was pretty random in the mean time.
But I enjoyed every moment of it. Love how safe is the city that allows me to walk freely on my own and not having to worry about anything.
Love how friendly and cheerful the people (most of them!) are.
Love the coffee culture.
Love how fit most of the people are that made me feel guilty for not doing any sports at all.
Love how you can just do whatever you like without having to worry about people judging you. Wait, some people might judge but not as obvious when we're in Asian countries I guess?
I can wear whatever shit I want.
I felt more comfortable here expressing myself.
And I love how I can walk around and hang around all by myself because I don't give a shit about how people think. I don't have to. That's why I love it here so much.
And I actually can cook when I am here.
Thought I'll be a mess but meh, I did it!
Cooked alot of weird shit that wasn't so bad. I even cooked for my cousins before so I am not a disappointment yo, dad!
Though, my dad's cooking still the best haihhhh
I learnt how to say fuck out loud when I am here ahahhaha.
Not proud of it but oh well, I don't care really.
Don't worry, I didn't spam that word of course. I just use it during times when there's those WTF moments that made me say WTF lolol.
Get what I mean?
Had a lot of reunions with people with those that came to Melbourne too!
And I am actually grateful that they wanted to meet up with me when they know I am here.
I love it when I get to share my favorite place and they appreciate it.
Hopefully they're not sarcastic but hey, I am truly honored still.
Hanging out with the cousins. Get to see them almost once every week and having them as my backbone.
At least they're one of the reason that made me feel like home <3
Talking crap about childhood. Smack each other's butt.
Having them caressing my head out of the blue. Made me felt like a spoiled cat ahaha
I am grateful having you twins <3
I've no idea how many cafes or espresso bars or restaurants that I've visited so far but damn, I know its alot hahaha
That's actually one hell of a achievement of mine. Something that I am good at which is not beneficial for my future LOL
But I really really love what I am doing right now.
How can I not love Melbourne?! SIGH
So many good coffee places that I can chill at with or without a companion.
Thank goodness I am not into alcohols if not I'll be broke by now.
And oh, of course my birthday for this year.
I am freaking lucky alright to get to celebrate three times! With close friends, relatives and also my mum <3
SIGH. Freaking 21 years old :((((((
Okay, I guess that's all that I wanna say about 2014.
Time for the new year, new resolution sorta bullshit.
Hey 2015,
Please slow down because 2014 has been a rocket ride. I still or can never believe that I am in Melbourne.
Still, feels like a dream.
Even though it did came true, it still feels like I was in my deep sleep for way too long.
I don't wanna wake up to reality.
This dreamy feeling yet a reality for me being here makes me a fucking lucky girl.
Thank you thank you thank you so much mum for granting my wish.
Anyway, back to the main point, there's so many things that I wanted to wish for and achieve for my very last year of uni life.
May you guys have a great year ahead.
Till then xx
This will not be the end of mine, I promise.
When you realized how time flies; when you realized how much you hated this year but you know you're going to miss it; time to make new year resolutions when you didn't tick off any of the resolutions from the previous years
Fuck whyyyy
2014 has officially coming to an end!
And yeap, I am making it through 2015 being single. (even though that's not the point)
So much difference from the year before. So much things had happened. So much things had changed.
But yeah, it wasn't really pleasant during last year's new year either. So yeah. Better lonely than sad right?
Decided to do this recap thing because 2014 is definitely one hell of a ride that I've ever experienced before.
A year ago, I was utterly depressed by the fact that how much this studying abroad thingy is going to change things.
How I'll not meet my friends that I'm fond of ever again; How I'll never get to see my close ones like I always do whenever I want to.
Damn. Look at me now, managed to survive 10 months, even though there's some homesickness in between. I am still standing strong, mentally. (I guess!)
It's definitely a good start for me, and distance certainly made me realized those that're dear to me.
No matter the distance, those friendships that are meant to be will make it through.
I am so grateful for those that are still keeping in touch with me.
Nope, we don't chat everyday, but I know when we were to see each other again, there'll be endless topics that we can share.
Beginning of the year, been busy catching up with friends and working part time.
Don't even feel like packing because the thought of leaving was just depressing.
& I've to pack two-years-worth of stuff over to Melbourne.
What a pain in the ass.
Never love packing and unpacking sucks too.
I still remember the very last weekend hanging out with my relatives.
Said goodbye to everyone, all the best wishes and regards, even ang paus from my aunt.
All the blessings that made my heart ache.
My grandma was surprisingly comforting when I said goodbye to her. Because before that, she kept teasing me not being able to handle myself and stuff but on that day, she asked me to hang in there and take good care of myself.
But it breaks my heart when she mentioned that she's not sure whether I'll be able to see her again after two years but all I did was sobbing and telling her that, "nah, I'll come back grandma!"
(but i didn't manage to this year :/ )
On the 18th of February, which is the day that I depart, my close relatives were there to send me off and also, seniors. Kinda grateful though. And those phone calls that wished me safe flight.
I was pretty unlucky because my mum weren't there to send me off. Instead, I sent her off to Bangkok in the morning .________.
I hugged her one last time, and I cried because you know, I am always her cry baby.
I just couldn't resist my tears when I know I can express myself in front of her.
That happened quite a few times. Exclusively in front of my mum.
When I was in primary school, I fell down and hurt my knee, it bleed real bad but I didn't cry at all.
After the transport driver drop me off at my house, my tears straight rolled down the moment I saw my mum tsk.
Also, when I was on my 3rd driving lesson, I was pretty pressured and stressed out by the instructor because I couldn't handle the manual driving while I was on the road.
I didn't cry out loud at all. But then, after my instructor dropped me off, I just hugged my mum and sobbed loudly when I saw her LOL
So here goes my journey away from home aka 6333km away.
My first ever journey THAT far and THAT long.
Finally arrived at Melbourne with JB and his parents. Was pretty lucky to have them around because if I were to arrive at this foreign land on my own; I'll have no clue where to start and how to.
But with them, at least there's some guidance and company to keep my loneliness and depressing thoughts away temporarily or even someone that I can panic along with.
I still remember how jakun I was.
The very first day, sat in JB's aunty's car and was surprised that how there's no high rise building at all along the way.
First time ever checking out a 7-11 petrol station.
Surprised to see how there are trees that're so different from Malaysia and the sky looked so clear.
Surprised to see how the clouds are so BIG and FLUFFY. It seemed like the sky is super close to us.
My very first time tasted good champagne hams and cherries! SO JUICY.
And first time checking out the department store which is coles and saw a hot hunk topless while buying groceries LOL
And oh, the self-check out thingy is still amazing!
Noticed that their market is soooo clean that I can't even HAHA
Met up with my cousins right after, and they showed me where RMIT is and I called that green thing the gooey thingy haha
So it has became an iconic place to meet up when I was still unfamiliar with the city.
They brought me to Guzman Y Gomez for dinner (got a treat from them!) as I was still in my currency-conversion period.
The price is so scaryyyy!
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Look at the clouds :o |
While JB was away and when I was still new to everything here, I slept over at my cousin's place bla bla bla.
Explored the city all alone.
It's funny how I think back everything that I first experienced or see, feels so different from how I see it now.
It's still breathtaking anyway :)
Few pictures that I took when I first came to the city :3
Now I wouldn't even bother capturing it. Typical. Taking things for granted because you get to see it all the time.
First time finding my own accommodation and realized what a pain in the ass too because I'm still not familiar with any of the stuff here but I am glad that the location was alright.
Funny how everything wasn't according to the plan. At all.
Enrolled to RMIT and bam, new semester started.
Wasn't used to how there's not many lab reports for just a sem as compared to Taylor's.
And how our lecture is always in a huge theater!
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One of the Fruit & Vege lectures whereby we're given actual flower to learn more about flowers XD |
First time checking out rally in front of the State Library.
Got so jakun.
Was so surprised that it was actually pretty peaceful even though they're polices everywhere.
Including those that ride on horses.
And surprised to see female ang moh polices which made them looked x100000 more prettier and hotter!
Decided to start blogging all of a sudden and regret for not starting it earlier even though my writing is shit.
Still glad that I did it now.
Something shitty happened in the middle of the year, actually it was pretty much expected to end but not the way I expect it to end. Goddamn it drama.
But whatever, I don't give a shit really.
Love my life here woooohoo.
Went to Adelaide and Sydney during my semester break. Feel so achieved and in the mean time, so broke right now.
Got myself a job but one semester later. Felt sorry to burden my mum but at least, I kept my promise so that my mum allowed me to study abroad.
Met a few friends but mostly, from my own country .______________.
Damn, after ten months, have not met any actual ang mohs that I can hang out with tsk. Not racist but well, at least have to make friends with one aussie right?
But I am grateful that I've them beside me and wow, I had been hanging around with them for almost 9 months. Crazy how time flies :O
Went to quite aloooot of places that I got teased by my cousins and friends for having too much fun tsk :3
Alooot of weird stuffs happening around and it was pretty random in the mean time.
But I enjoyed every moment of it. Love how safe is the city that allows me to walk freely on my own and not having to worry about anything.
Love how friendly and cheerful the people (most of them!) are.
Love the coffee culture.
Love how fit most of the people are that made me feel guilty for not doing any sports at all.
Love how you can just do whatever you like without having to worry about people judging you. Wait, some people might judge but not as obvious when we're in Asian countries I guess?
I can wear whatever shit I want.
I felt more comfortable here expressing myself.
And I love how I can walk around and hang around all by myself because I don't give a shit about how people think. I don't have to. That's why I love it here so much.
And I actually can cook when I am here.
Thought I'll be a mess but meh, I did it!
Cooked alot of weird shit that wasn't so bad. I even cooked for my cousins before so I am not a disappointment yo, dad!
Though, my dad's cooking still the best haihhhh
I learnt how to say fuck out loud when I am here ahahhaha.
Not proud of it but oh well, I don't care really.
Don't worry, I didn't spam that word of course. I just use it during times when there's those WTF moments that made me say WTF lolol.
Get what I mean?
Had a lot of reunions with people with those that came to Melbourne too!
And I am actually grateful that they wanted to meet up with me when they know I am here.
I love it when I get to share my favorite place and they appreciate it.
Hopefully they're not sarcastic but hey, I am truly honored still.
Hanging out with the cousins. Get to see them almost once every week and having them as my backbone.
At least they're one of the reason that made me feel like home <3
Talking crap about childhood. Smack each other's butt.
Having them caressing my head out of the blue. Made me felt like a spoiled cat ahaha
I am grateful having you twins <3
I've no idea how many cafes or espresso bars or restaurants that I've visited so far but damn, I know its alot hahaha
That's actually one hell of a achievement of mine. Something that I am good at which is not beneficial for my future LOL
But I really really love what I am doing right now.
How can I not love Melbourne?! SIGH
So many good coffee places that I can chill at with or without a companion.
Thank goodness I am not into alcohols if not I'll be broke by now.
And oh, of course my birthday for this year.
I am freaking lucky alright to get to celebrate three times! With close friends, relatives and also my mum <3
SIGH. Freaking 21 years old :((((((
Okay, I guess that's all that I wanna say about 2014.
Time for the new year, new resolution sorta bullshit.
Hey 2015,
Please slow down because 2014 has been a rocket ride. I still or can never believe that I am in Melbourne.
Still, feels like a dream.
Even though it did came true, it still feels like I was in my deep sleep for way too long.
I don't wanna wake up to reality.
This dreamy feeling yet a reality for me being here makes me a fucking lucky girl.
Thank you thank you thank you so much mum for granting my wish.
Anyway, back to the main point, there's so many things that I wanted to wish for and achieve for my very last year of uni life.
- work harder! (work and study wise)
- procrastinate less!
- conquer my fear of eye contacts!
- smile at strangers more! be the one who initiate it instead of the strangers. but don't go on smiling at everyone that will make me look like a fool hahaha
- tell myself it's okay to approach an ang moh!
- save money!
- able to give in for my family too.
- get to save some bucks to sponsor myself to new zealand!
- get an ang moh boyfriend :P
- learn some coffee skills! sponsor myself to attend barista course.
- master aussie slang! (if possible)
- be more sociable! (way too anti social this year)
- new year, new me!
typical bullshit - improve my english! too terrible to even write shit.
no wonder no one reads your blog stupid waiyan hahaha - less ranting! more happy and positive stuff on my blog.
- cherish and savor every moment in Melbourne because time has no mercy
- create the best memories that I can while I am here
waiyan xx
Touché May you guys have a great year ahead.
Till then xx
This will not be the end of mine, I promise.
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