Stereosonic の週末 ;
Stereosonic Weekend beeeecthes!
Well, wasn't as excited as I was when I purchased the ticket during the early March.
Been waiting for this day's arrival for FAR too long.
It has always been one of my dream to attend this & damn, this day has finally arrived.
Crazy how time flies and I am so glad that I've a companion that I am comfortable to be with at this awesome event.
Woke up in the morning, pretty tired though. Wasn't feeling excited at all in the beginning.
Got ready around 11 something and met up with my partner, Jane yap. Heh.
It's been awhile since I had make up on my face. To be frank, I don't really like the way I look after I apply it on but oh well, for the sake of fun! I am not a make-up person so I guess this event is one of the excuse to try on some eyeliner but at the end of the day, I always ended up looking like a Panda.
How those girls manage to rock make up ei?!
Anyway bla bla. Had our brunch and grabbed some cash before taking the tram.
Met Santa Claus and the elf at QVM :D . Took some pictures and I got goodies from santa! Mentally young at heart that's for sure.
Got on the tram (finally!)
So me and Jane were talking about this dude which was sitting in front of us throughout the journey, we were wondering if he's attending this event as well. We were saying that looks are deceiving, maybe now he did look like a good boy but when he's at Stereosonic, he will turn wild? Who knows.
Alooot of dudes and chicks when we were approaching the entrance heh.
After bag checking and everything, we got ourselves the wristbands and poof, here we are!
Needless to say, pictures first! :D
I was pretty lost at first. Confused with different venues or stages. Have to run here and there >:O
After that, we head ourselves to The Aston Shuffle which is the sonic stage.
I'm pretty happy to get to listen to the song Sunrise live in acoustic style. Next act we went over to the Stereo stage which was TJR & then Laidback Luke. Then ran over to Sonic stage for DVBBS, later on DEORROOOOOO!
OMG. while Deorro was playing his gig, I took a picture of him and suddenly, there's this girl whom was sitting on one of her friend's shoulder just flashed her boobs D: WUTTTT
Not just once though, she flashed it to Deorro too wtffff.
Anyway, the other dudes were like whistling wth hahahah
Next, we went over to check out Dash Berlin. I get to listen to Dragonfly live woooohooo!
Showtek was the next! Omg. Soooo good looking the both of them. They played We Like To Party, Bad, Slow Down which I finally get to see it with my own eyes! T________T
After Showtek, me and Jane went for a break. We grabbed ourselves some chicken wrap and then toilet break.
Next was Steve Aoki and damn, he brought aloooot of cakes. I think he threw like 7 cakes during his gig and cakify the audience ahhaha wtf. My favorite part from his stage was No Beef! & of course the famous Pursuit of Happiness :)
Alesso came right after! But damn, I hate it when he and Porter Robinson clashes. Both of them I've not seen them play live and I adore them both. So I decided to stay for half an hour for Alesso's stage & the next hour to Porter Robinson's.
Alesso started his part with Tear the Roof Up. He also played Years, City of Dreams and of course, Calling (Lose My Mind) T_____T . *cries* It's just really touching to get to see DJs play your favorite songs live. Unfortunately, I had to leave for Porter Robinson so I wasn't able to see him play Heroes on stage SIGHHH. Apparently, the song appeared right after I left wtf. LIFE.
Porter Robinson was sooooo goooooood OMG.
When I reached there, he was playing Hear the Bells, then Lionhearted! (thank goodness I get to listen to it!) & then Goodbye to a World mashed up with Language. T______T
This was seriously the best part of the day. I liked it the most. DAMNNNN.
No regrets!
The other events in between are not according to sequence but I wanna blurt it out because it's memorable :D
> This dude asking me who perform after Laidback Luke and he was actually standing beside me for quite some time. Hmm. I think he's asking the obvious so after I briefly answered him I just walked away.
> There's a group of guys that dressed up like Mexicans with the hat and moustaches and all. The two of them, just grabbed my hand all of a sudden, I thought they wanted to bring me to further up front, but actually, that dude just wanted to do the spinning thingy. WTFFF. Guess what, I did it unprofessionally LOLOL. It's freaking embarrassing but LOL Pretty funny in a way.
> There's this group of guys that dressed up like fairies HAHA With pink tutu and wings! Ngawwww
> Passionate loving couples, everywhere. BLEHHHH
> Remember the dude from the tram? Me and Jane actually saw him during Showtek's act omgggggg
When he appeared, I was wondering why he looked familiar because I remember the shirt he wore had wings and so does he. So, after confirmed with Jane, apparently he is the same dude. And he keep staring at us too. Must be thinking the same but oh well.
Was kinda disappointed when the both of us saw something that ruined this image of him. Tsk,
> When we were on our way to the dunnies, we saw a group of people surrounding the bench. Apparently, we saw this dude just sitting there, with his eyes close. I guess he got himself TOO HIGH. Damn people, we can still enjoy EDM without doing drugs alright tsk.
> Aloooot of dance styles :P Pretty funny ahahaha
> Oh, lastly, when I was recording a video of Porter Robinson performing Language, there's this group of Power Rangers, one of them suddenly grabbed my hands and video recording themselves passing by LOLOL
Such randomness. But after that, "red power ranger" just hold my waist as a hint of thank you (maybe?) and lead the others to dance their way out LOL
> Alot of random dudes that said hi. Pretty flattered AHAHAHA But meh, too many competitors and them, most of them flaunt their assets. Well, at least they're proud to show.
> There's alot of cute guys too! Well, if only this is a decent event without everyone going wild and insane but it's impossible without that for raves LOL
What rubbish am I talking hahahha
> While we were checking out Showtek, it's pretty annoying because there's too much "traffic" going on around my spot. UGHHH can't even enjoy it nicely. But funny thing is the girl next to me (not Jane), feels the same and we were like doing actions behind those people HAHA.
She was pretty nice, after we had our peace moment (but not for long), she wraps around my shoulder for a while and asking me if I had a good time. Thank you, you anonymous girl! I need more people like her to surround me instead of those that are so fucking annoying ughhhhh
So, comes the end of Day 1! And whaaaat, my whole body is aching like an old woman hmm.
Also, my knees, I think I used them too much hahaha.
Woooo. Better rest well for day 2!
So day 2 has arrived!
Woke up with body aches but who cares MUAHAHA
Anyhow today's weather was pretty shitty. Not a single sunlight was shine.
& it was drizzling in the morning. I didn't get my outfit right for the weather lololll. But definitely suit the event!
Had brunch at Journeyman. It was sooo good. The Crispy Pork Croquette.
Everyone else was staring at us like we're some freaks ahahhaa
Plus, today I was wearing a cap (my very first time!); not my usual style at all.
But I was thankful that I made this choice because I need not to worry about the rain with my cap acting as a shield :D
Not much of weird stuffs happening today though. Love the people around me and jane for today as they're minding their own business without disturbing us.
Except for the fucking annoying tall dude.
Damn. He's so freaking tall blocking my freaking view yet he couldn't stand still. Fml.
No matter where we stand, he'll always stand in the way even though we tried our best to stay away from him fmlllll.
Anyhow the stuffs evolving around me today,
> while we were trying to get a spot to post pictures during Cedric Gervais' performance, me and jane were sitting on the bench. There's this two dudes use such lousy pickup lines. One of them asked us, *points at the gap between me and jane* " is anyone sitting there?" Then i replied,"me!" but then he asked a funny question again, *points at Jane's bag's spot* " what about here?"
lolol. we just ignored them pfft.
> When Cedric Gervais performed his remix of Summertime Sadness as his last song, we quickly ran over and grab a spot. Damn. Love that spot! Which is the middle back! Spacious & gooooood view. So blessed!
> Finally able to see NERVO, W&W, Calvin Harris & also Tiesto! My life is partially complete woooo! Hopefully the next stereo I'll be able to see Nicky Romero & Fedde le Grand!
> Oh, some girl accidentally hit my hand when I was recording Feel So Close by Calvin Harris, and my phone dropped on the floor wtf hahahaha
> and wtffff, police joined in the rave too AHAHAHA
I almost teared when Tiesto played Adagio for Strings. So much feeeeeels. Even the dude behind me was screaming "Fucking Sick!" and I totally agreeee.
And those gorgeous lasers. Fuck yeahhhhhhh
Calvin Harris is sooooo handsome omgggg. He started off with Under Control & ended with Summer even though it doesn't feel like summer right now in Melbourne -________- Freaking 19 degree celcius the highest temperature fml .______.
W&W first appeared with Big Foot! I was jumping like crazy even before they appeared omgggg.
Love them since when I knew about the song they collaborated with Hardwell. Dayummm.
DJ Snake was pretty good! Didn't expect he'll play I'll Always Love you by Whitney Houston as his second last song. Everyone was singing along and well, couples smooching tsk.
Of course, TURN DOWN FOR WHAAAAT. So so awesomeeee.
I realized most of the DJs played A Sky Full of Stars by Coldplay, then heartthrob & also, Hardwell's countdown heh. No matter how many times, it's still hyped out.
I was shaking my whole body the whole damn time. We din even go for snacks in between.
I was so dehydrated but I love my spot. The middle back!
So so grateful that I had the chance to be in Stereosonic as part of the crowd <3
& oh, Cedric Gervais & Borgeous liked my photos on Instagram ^_____^
Quite honored!
Also, wanna thank my company for these two amazing days :) We should do it again! If time allow us both. Never have I thought I'll have such great company. To be frank, i bought the early bird ticket without even thinking of any companion to go with but I am certainly grateful how it ended up!
Till then xx.
Stereosonic Weekend beeeecthes!
Well, wasn't as excited as I was when I purchased the ticket during the early March.
Been waiting for this day's arrival for FAR too long.
It has always been one of my dream to attend this & damn, this day has finally arrived.
Crazy how time flies and I am so glad that I've a companion that I am comfortable to be with at this awesome event.
Got ready around 11 something and met up with my partner, Jane yap. Heh.
It's been awhile since I had make up on my face. To be frank, I don't really like the way I look after I apply it on but oh well, for the sake of fun! I am not a make-up person so I guess this event is one of the excuse to try on some eyeliner but at the end of the day, I always ended up looking like a Panda.
How those girls manage to rock make up ei?!
Anyway bla bla. Had our brunch and grabbed some cash before taking the tram.
Met Santa Claus and the elf at QVM :D . Took some pictures and I got goodies from santa! Mentally young at heart that's for sure.
Got on the tram (finally!)
So me and Jane were talking about this dude which was sitting in front of us throughout the journey, we were wondering if he's attending this event as well. We were saying that looks are deceiving, maybe now he did look like a good boy but when he's at Stereosonic, he will turn wild? Who knows.
Alooot of dudes and chicks when we were approaching the entrance heh.
After bag checking and everything, we got ourselves the wristbands and poof, here we are!
Needless to say, pictures first! :D
I was pretty lost at first. Confused with different venues or stages. Have to run here and there >:O
After that, we head ourselves to The Aston Shuffle which is the sonic stage.
I'm pretty happy to get to listen to the song Sunrise live in acoustic style. Next act we went over to the Stereo stage which was TJR & then Laidback Luke. Then ran over to Sonic stage for DVBBS, later on DEORROOOOOO!
OMG. while Deorro was playing his gig, I took a picture of him and suddenly, there's this girl whom was sitting on one of her friend's shoulder just flashed her boobs D: WUTTTT
Not just once though, she flashed it to Deorro too wtffff.
Anyway, the other dudes were like whistling wth hahahah
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nope! not gonna show you the topless chick :P |
Next, we went over to check out Dash Berlin. I get to listen to Dragonfly live woooohooo!
Showtek was the next! Omg. Soooo good looking the both of them. They played We Like To Party, Bad, Slow Down which I finally get to see it with my own eyes! T________T
After Showtek, me and Jane went for a break. We grabbed ourselves some chicken wrap and then toilet break.
Next was Steve Aoki and damn, he brought aloooot of cakes. I think he threw like 7 cakes during his gig and cakify the audience ahhaha wtf. My favorite part from his stage was No Beef! & of course the famous Pursuit of Happiness :)
Alesso came right after! But damn, I hate it when he and Porter Robinson clashes. Both of them I've not seen them play live and I adore them both. So I decided to stay for half an hour for Alesso's stage & the next hour to Porter Robinson's.
Alesso started his part with Tear the Roof Up. He also played Years, City of Dreams and of course, Calling (Lose My Mind) T_____T . *cries* It's just really touching to get to see DJs play your favorite songs live. Unfortunately, I had to leave for Porter Robinson so I wasn't able to see him play Heroes on stage SIGHHH. Apparently, the song appeared right after I left wtf. LIFE.
Porter Robinson was sooooo goooooood OMG.
When I reached there, he was playing Hear the Bells, then Lionhearted! (thank goodness I get to listen to it!) & then Goodbye to a World mashed up with Language. T______T
This was seriously the best part of the day. I liked it the most. DAMNNNN.
No regrets!
The other events in between are not according to sequence but I wanna blurt it out because it's memorable :D
> This dude asking me who perform after Laidback Luke and he was actually standing beside me for quite some time. Hmm. I think he's asking the obvious so after I briefly answered him I just walked away.
> There's a group of guys that dressed up like Mexicans with the hat and moustaches and all. The two of them, just grabbed my hand all of a sudden, I thought they wanted to bring me to further up front, but actually, that dude just wanted to do the spinning thingy. WTFFF. Guess what, I did it unprofessionally LOLOL. It's freaking embarrassing but LOL Pretty funny in a way.
> There's this group of guys that dressed up like fairies HAHA With pink tutu and wings! Ngawwww
> Passionate loving couples, everywhere. BLEHHHH
> Remember the dude from the tram? Me and Jane actually saw him during Showtek's act omgggggg
When he appeared, I was wondering why he looked familiar because I remember the shirt he wore had wings and so does he. So, after confirmed with Jane, apparently he is the same dude. And he keep staring at us too. Must be thinking the same but oh well.
Was kinda disappointed when the both of us saw something that ruined this image of him. Tsk,
> When we were on our way to the dunnies, we saw a group of people surrounding the bench. Apparently, we saw this dude just sitting there, with his eyes close. I guess he got himself TOO HIGH. Damn people, we can still enjoy EDM without doing drugs alright tsk.
> Aloooot of dance styles :P Pretty funny ahahaha
> Oh, lastly, when I was recording a video of Porter Robinson performing Language, there's this group of Power Rangers, one of them suddenly grabbed my hands and video recording themselves passing by LOLOL
Such randomness. But after that, "red power ranger" just hold my waist as a hint of thank you (maybe?) and lead the others to dance their way out LOL
> Alot of random dudes that said hi. Pretty flattered AHAHAHA But meh, too many competitors and them, most of them flaunt their assets. Well, at least they're proud to show.
> There's alot of cute guys too! Well, if only this is a decent event without everyone going wild and insane but it's impossible without that for raves LOL
What rubbish am I talking hahahha
> While we were checking out Showtek, it's pretty annoying because there's too much "traffic" going on around my spot. UGHHH can't even enjoy it nicely. But funny thing is the girl next to me (not Jane), feels the same and we were like doing actions behind those people HAHA.
She was pretty nice, after we had our peace moment (but not for long), she wraps around my shoulder for a while and asking me if I had a good time. Thank you, you anonymous girl! I need more people like her to surround me instead of those that are so fucking annoying ughhhhh
So, comes the end of Day 1! And whaaaat, my whole body is aching like an old woman hmm.
Also, my knees, I think I used them too much hahaha.
Woooo. Better rest well for day 2!
So day 2 has arrived!
Woke up with body aches but who cares MUAHAHA
Anyhow today's weather was pretty shitty. Not a single sunlight was shine.
& it was drizzling in the morning. I didn't get my outfit right for the weather lololll. But definitely suit the event!
Had brunch at Journeyman. It was sooo good. The Crispy Pork Croquette.
Everyone else was staring at us like we're some freaks ahahhaa
Plus, today I was wearing a cap (my very first time!); not my usual style at all.
But I was thankful that I made this choice because I need not to worry about the rain with my cap acting as a shield :D
Not much of weird stuffs happening today though. Love the people around me and jane for today as they're minding their own business without disturbing us.
Except for the fucking annoying tall dude.
Damn. He's so freaking tall blocking my freaking view yet he couldn't stand still. Fml.
No matter where we stand, he'll always stand in the way even though we tried our best to stay away from him fmlllll.
Anyhow the stuffs evolving around me today,
> while we were trying to get a spot to post pictures during Cedric Gervais' performance, me and jane were sitting on the bench. There's this two dudes use such lousy pickup lines. One of them asked us, *points at the gap between me and jane* " is anyone sitting there?" Then i replied,"me!" but then he asked a funny question again, *points at Jane's bag's spot* " what about here?"
lolol. we just ignored them pfft.
> When Cedric Gervais performed his remix of Summertime Sadness as his last song, we quickly ran over and grab a spot. Damn. Love that spot! Which is the middle back! Spacious & gooooood view. So blessed!
> Finally able to see NERVO, W&W, Calvin Harris & also Tiesto! My life is partially complete woooo! Hopefully the next stereo I'll be able to see Nicky Romero & Fedde le Grand!
> and wtffff, police joined in the rave too AHAHAHA
I almost teared when Tiesto played Adagio for Strings. So much feeeeeels. Even the dude behind me was screaming "Fucking Sick!" and I totally agreeee.
And those gorgeous lasers. Fuck yeahhhhhhh
Calvin Harris is sooooo handsome omgggg. He started off with Under Control & ended with Summer even though it doesn't feel like summer right now in Melbourne -________- Freaking 19 degree celcius the highest temperature fml .______.
W&W first appeared with Big Foot! I was jumping like crazy even before they appeared omgggg.
Love them since when I knew about the song they collaborated with Hardwell. Dayummm.
DJ Snake was pretty good! Didn't expect he'll play I'll Always Love you by Whitney Houston as his second last song. Everyone was singing along and well, couples smooching tsk.
Of course, TURN DOWN FOR WHAAAAT. So so awesomeeee.
I realized most of the DJs played A Sky Full of Stars by Coldplay, then heartthrob & also, Hardwell's countdown heh. No matter how many times, it's still hyped out.
I was shaking my whole body the whole damn time. We din even go for snacks in between.
I was so dehydrated but I love my spot. The middle back!
So so grateful that I had the chance to be in Stereosonic as part of the crowd <3
& oh, Cedric Gervais & Borgeous liked my photos on Instagram ^_____^
Quite honored!
Also, wanna thank my company for these two amazing days :) We should do it again! If time allow us both. Never have I thought I'll have such great company. To be frank, i bought the early bird ticket without even thinking of any companion to go with but I am certainly grateful how it ended up!
Till then xx.
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