It's not over yet, is it?

How does one determine when one is truly over something?
Have you ever felt down all of a sudden because you started to confuse yourself after you saw (or let's say "bumped into") something that you thought you're over it long long time ago?
& then you question yourself: "have I truly gotten past all of this?"

No one has the answer to that, do they?
If so, what's the reason behind of all this unnecessary agony?

You question yourself countless of times about this; But then,
What you have been experienced has all come to a conclusion that it was a waste of effort, time and also all the love that you thought you were once passionate about, is all a lie after all. 
And now, you're starting to regret for being such a dumbass. 
All those memories that you once created, turned into bullshit.

You tell yourself, 
"I don't need that. I am strong."
But deep down inside, you knew it was once, one of the most amazing part of your life (assuming it was before realizing the truth). You know it will still be great if you were to relive it again.

Regret, is one of the least emotions that I want to deal with at all times. 
It seriously sucks you dry.

Ah, I am a weirdo.
All of these thinking always strikes randomly & at such weird period of time. (eg in the midst of writing my notes) or after finishing off a mindblowing episode/movie with epic plot. Hmm.

Anyway, emotions came pouring without warning and that's what makes me a human, right?

HAHA OMG. Feeling so fucking philosophical. Geez.
Anyway, don't assume. It's not about anything that had happened to me.
It's like a once in a blue moon kinda nonsense that i intend to blurt about.
Maybe it's because of the full moon or cold wind lolol
Damn script writers! You guys are too awesome at twisting minds of one self.

Ah fuck it.
Just me and my stupid random thinking tsk.


& a completely unrelated topic but a quote about happiness that I love from Lelouch;

“A long time ago, Nunally, Suzaku, and I talked about something. We wondered what happiness would look like if we could give it a physical form. If I'm not mistaken, I think it was Suzaku that said that the shape of happiness might resemble glass. His reasoning made sense. He said that even though you don't usually notice it, it's still definitely there. You merely have to change your point of view slightly, and then that glass will sparkle when it reflects the light. I doubt that anything else could argue its own existence more eloquently.”
Lelouch Vi Britannia

So, what's your definition of happiness?

Till then xx.
