"Sometimes you don't get the closure you deserve";

"Embrace your journey." 20160609 Pat a black pug this morning! it jumped on me with joyyyy OMG Day madeee Morning coffee @ Picnic and wow he took his first leap of trying short black. watching him having coffee with at elast 2 big spoons of sugar cutting down to just one, and now having short black which is way hippier than me. It's a big achievement! 20160610 20160611 TGIF ... NOT. 20160612 Over at his today! Rubiki for brunch. That crispy pork bellyyyyy but the portion tho LOL .. walked the dogs and i really enjoyed it heh required lots of patience that's for sure! watched 4 movies in a row. Memento > Kung Fu Panda 3 > Hollowman > what we do in the shadows In between caught up with news about Christina Grimmie. It was too shocking I swear. My heart sank. This is just really unfair. This world is starting to become mad. 20160613 Made spaghetti today! .. Coffee take out at bees knees! ... work a...