“A year from now you will wish you had started today.” ;

"The promise of spring's arrival is enough to get anyone through the bitter winter." - Jen Selinsky 20150814 Pre-celebration. Roses ... (my very first bunch. ever. in my entire life.) Thank you for making me feel special :) Meat & Wine Co. The steak is so so gooooood. Though that gay couple beside us were pretty annoying. I am not against gay people it's just particularly them having attitude problem omg. *shoots myself* Just shout at each other over small matters and being rude. What even. Other than that, the service was good. Food is good. Dessert is goooooooooood. 20150815 Brunch @ Denis the Menace; According to him, we're finally on point! I swear both of us smashed the food in less than half an hour. Even though usually i am the slow one. QVM Soda Rock Diner with JB Footy @ MCG // Hawks vs Geelong Cats. Interesting experience I gotta say! Seeing how intense the audiences are. Even the little kids LOL 2...