"I think the boring stuff is the stuff that I remember the most" ;

"I'd live in the moment more if I could, but I'm just more inclined to analyze the moments after they've already passed." 20150316 UGH. It's crazy how this is the 3rd week of the semester already! Can you imagine? I didn't even do anything and time just gone by like that. So today was my QA subject's product trial. It sucks because my group was the only one doing all the deep frying and shit while others were just confectioneries. FML (I am not the only group that do that for that subject but my group was the only one during that day, so it still sucks!) No one understands how miserable we were because we were the only ones there dealing with it. Well, I am just a ranting bitch ain't I UGHHH I am sorry to sound selfish but yeah, I hate the product that we got. If only my group was the chocolate mousse one. That would be whole lot easier and less pain! Bla bla bla. Sick of hearing my complaints right? And yesterday, first time ever ...